Travis Richardson is a sustainable energy expert who strives to make the world a better place for all.
Since his time studying engineering, he has had a passion for connecting people with new advancements in technology that improve their lives, and increase the harmony between humanity and nature. He uses his own energy to bring life into projects that can help others, and loves to collaborate with those around to do the same.
After graduating university, Travis began his entrepreneurial journey to connect individuals with the renewable energy resources available to them. Seeing the gap between the information and knowledge, he realized he could provide immense value for anyone looking to make a difference.
Since moving to DC in 2020, Travis continues to learn and grow as an expert in the renewable energy sector as the world moves towards a sustainable future. As DC transitions to 100% clean energy, he continues to provide system designs and unique solar opportunities to anyone and everyone who is able to benefit.
In his own life, he has been fortunate enough to connect with many other passionate people involved in gardening programs, art projects, and even local sporting events throughout the city. While living here in DC, Travis wants to spread as much connection and joy to those around him, showing that there is always a reason to be optimistic.