Marcus Hoy, Founder & CEO
Sustainable You was founded to address the realisation that humanity is on a path of self-destruction, and that our consciousness is meant for more.
Marcus Hoy is an entrepreneur committed to addressing the disconnect between humanity and the natural gifts that we must sustain in order to thrive. His life’s work is to empower individuals and organisations to create a more sustainable path forward, one in which humanity chooses to help the natural world rather than take from it and consequently, to destroy it.
Through his many years at Tesla, his work as co-founder and chief ambassador of Shimo as well as founder and CEO of Sustainable You (in 2019), Marcus has committed his personal and professional life towards evolving a sustainable consciousness and developing a marketplace where it is both financially rewarding and personally empowering to contribute towards a more sustainable, abundant world for all.
To thrive with the ecological gifts we have, we empower people to take action to lead more sustainable lives.
Our team’s professional and personal journeys intertwine and our deep expertise and insights come from our collective experience in renewable energy with Tesla, agriculture, environmental science and management, tech, hospitality, political activism, as well as individual and community development.
With our interdisciplinary approach focused on the Washington DC Metro Area, our work to cultivate resilient communities begins with transitioning properties to clean energy with income-generating solar and an evolving ecoSYstem anchored by behavior-based coaching and services focused on rewarding both people and planet.
A sustainable lifestyle can be abundantly rewarding once you connect and work together with our community for you and the planet.
We’re changing the system by creating an evolving, intentional, and mutually beneficial marketplace to empower humanity.
We work toward a common reward, as open and approachable partners in cooperation.
We validate your trust. Everything we say, do, and offer earns and validates trust.
We are continually expanding our awareness and adoption of better solutions and partners to evolve ourselves and the platform.
We strive to be the best, and encourage the same in our community of customers and partners.
We are accountable to one another, sharing a collective responsibility to be more sustainable.
We are intentional about the impact of our choices, and encourage others to be as well.
Changing your lifestyle for the greater good can be challenging, but with Sustainable You, we are in it together.
We partner with a constantly evolving and improving network of the most innovative sustainable partners across industries to provide solutions at the best price and best fit for your life.
Our consultants work with our partners to provide the expertise, resources, and coaching for your sustainable growth.
We look forward to inspiring you to co-create your sustainable life — a life that is a simple and financially rewarding reality — and joining our community awakening to our cooperative responsibility of building a more beautiful world.